Kitchen Cabinet Doors | Finding & Maintaining The Right Type For Your Kitchen?

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Investing in your kitchen cabinet doors is the most cost-effective solution if you want to make your kitchen look inviting and elegant. Remodeling the whole kitchen space might work best, but it is not always practical.

Kitchen Cabinet Doors | Finding & Maintaining The Right Type For Your Kitchen?

Choosing to revamp what is only necessary can save you time and money for the same expected result.

Focusing only on the defining features of your kitchen area can help you make a statement.

In this article, we listed the type of cabinet doors and ways to maintain them. See if these options match your home’s interior.

What Are The Different Type of Kitchen Cabinet Doors

The condition and appearance of kitchen cabinets doors often dictate the whole ambiance of the kitchen area. If you want to improve the room, you should acquaint yourself with all available options.

Here are some of the cabinet doors that can make your kitchen space look a lot stylish.

  • Track doors

Swinging doors that we often see in traditional homes are sometimes bothersome, particularly when left open.

They do not always meet the highest aesthetic standards when it comes to the kitchen.

Consider getting rid of your swinging doors, and replace them with kitchen cabinet doors on a track. These cabinet fronts slide from side to side because they are on a ball-bearing track.

To access the materials inside the cabinet, you only have to slide one door in front of the other. This technique can make things a lot easier in the kitchen.

However, you should also know that track doors do not open simultaneously. Unlike traditional side-hinged doors, you can only open one cabinet front at a time.

Nevertheless, you can open it at once if the kitchen cabinets doors you need are not connected.

Among others, some homeowners do not appreciate these kitchen cabinets doors in a traditional kitchen.

So if you have a conventional kitchen design, go for track hardware with an oil-rubbed bronze finish. It can make the kitchen space look cozy and warm.

  • Pocket doors

If you are going for a more sophisticated layout, consider installing pocket kitchen cabinets doors.

This type of cabinet front has been around for centuries, but it remains one of the most artistic kitchen cabinet doors.

You can tuck away heavily used kitchen essentials on storage with this cabinet front. To make these kitchen cabinets doors, all you have to do is install a small internal pocket on each side.

It must be at least 3 inches wide so that the cabinet fronts fit. When these doors are open, they appear almost similar to traditional doors.

However, they slide back into themselves when you close them, making the design of your kitchen more refined.

If you build kitchen cabinet doors with pockets, bumping your shin or elbow would be the least of your worries.

  • Flip-up doors

While traditional kitchen cabinets doors open in a sideways motion, flip-up doors use hydraulic mechanisms to help raise them. Another name for these cabinet fronts is parallel lift-up doors.

These are quite popular in Europe. So if your house design follows the same architectural roots, you should check these kitchen cabinets doors.

They are most likely the perfect match for your home’s interior.

  • Flat cabinet doors

If you have a modern kitchen design, installing flat cabinet doors might be your best option. Their relatively simple style makes them a stylish choice for cabinet fronts.

Flat cabinet doors consist of uncluttered hard lines, making them look a bit minimalistic. Just make sure to use solid hardwood or wood veneer flat doors on your kitchen cabinets.

Not only do they create smooth and clean lines of contemporary design, but they also make your kitchen space look edgy.

  • Inset cabinet doors

Most cabinet doors often sit outside the cabinet frame, but inset cabinet fronts are the complete opposite.

When your cabinet doors incorporate inset style, they rest inside the frame. This design can make your kitchen layout more appealing.

While inset cabinet doors are a great option, they can be expensive. You would need precise measurements to ensure that they would fit the frame.

If you want this kind of cabinet front, make sure to pair it with exposed hinges.

  • Shaker cabinet doors

One of the top cabinet front choices with both functional and aesthetic design is shaker cabinet doors.

Designers use rail and stile construction to build them. Many homeowners choose shakers because of their simplicity and versatility.

They come in different finishes, so you can choose a material that best matches your kitchen walls.

Shakers also offer a contemporary look, making them a perfect fit for modern kitchen areas. You can also paint them to make them look chic.

How to Properly Maintain Your Kitchen Cabinet Doors

No matter how beautiful your kitchen cabinet doors are, they are useless if you do not clean them. Leaving any marks of kitchen mishaps on your cabinet fronts can ruin the whole ambiance of your kitchen space.

Here is how you can make them look neat and shiny.

  • Never use abrasive cleaners.

Just use a gentle cleaning solution when dealing with kitchen cabinet doors. When you incorporate harsh scrubbing brushes or cleaners, you can damage the finish of your cabinet door.

Mixing two parts hot water and one part mild dishwashing soap works. You can also use one part of white vinegar with the same amount of hot water.

Once you mix the two, place the solution in a spray bottle, and you are good to go.

  • Never soak your cabinet doors.

When cleaning kitchen cabinet fronts, you should make sure not to soak them with the solution.

Too much moisture can damage the paint or finish of your cabinet doors. What you should do is spray the solution on a soft cloth until it is damp.

After making sure that the cloth is not too wet, wipe down your cabinet fronts with it.

Cleaning the handles and knobs is also a must to maintain the robust condition of your cabinet doors. You can spray the solution if necessary, but make sure to squeeze the cloth.

  • Use an old toothbrush to clean tight spots.

If the design of your cabinet doors incorporates deep groves, clean them with a brush. Most of the time, rags cannot access every nook and cranny.

Just dip the toothbrush on the cleaning solution and use it to scrub those spots. These hard-to-reach areas include the tight spots around the handles and knobs.

Make them shiny so your kitchen can look more appealing.

  • Never let the solution run into the cabinet hinges.

While the cleaning solution does not damage door paint, it can ruin the hinges. No one wants a kitchen cabinet door with rusty hardware.

What you should do is use a dry microfiber cloth to clean the metal. In case the spot is greasy, spray a few drops of solution to the cloth and wipe it again.

Remember, cabinet doors should also be functional. Taking good care of the hinges can help maintain their use.

  • Remove the cleaning solution with a final rinse.

To make sure that everything is clean, wipe down your cabinet doors again with a clean cloth.

Make sure to damp it with warm water to remove any excess cleaning solution. The best approach is to clean it from top to bottom to avoid any drips.

  • Dry the cabinet doors after cleaning

Of course, drying the cabinet doors is also crucial for their construction. If you let them air dry, it can damage the paint.

So instead of waiting, use a soft cloth and wipe your cabinet doors down to dry.

  • Extra Step: Use an oil soap solution.

If you have wood-finished cabinet doors, consider using an oil soap solution. It can help them look shiny and clean. Just apply a few drops and wipe it down.

But if you have painted cabinet doors, test the solution first. Apply it on a small spot and see if it does not ruin the paint.

If it does not, continue using the oil soap solution.

The Importance of Kitchen Cabinet Doors in Your Home

Kitchen cabinet doors have so much impact on the overall appearance of your kitchen space. Knowing what type of cabinet front to install makes all the difference.

If you are choosing a kitchen cabinet door, consider the vibe of your entire home. After all, it is about perfect coordination.

If your cabinet doors match your home’s interior, your kitchen space becomes more pleasing. Just make sure to clean them as well to preserve their beauty.

Kitchen mishaps can easily make your kitchen area look a lot less than its initial worth. Cleaning them as much as you can is as important as picking the right cabinet door style.

Follow the steps included above, and you can have a better atmosphere in your kitchen space.


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